Other Intreo Benefits

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Supplementary Welfare Allowance

You may be able to get a Supplementary Welfare Allowance to help you meet ongoing additional expenses which you could not reasonably be expected to meet out of your weekly income.

The allowance usually consists of:

  • a basic payment, and/or
  • a supplement (extra payment) for expenses you may not be able to meet.

If you have claimed a social welfare benefit or pension but it has not yet been paid and you have no other income, you may qualify for the Supplementary Welfare Allowance while you are waiting for your payment.

Rent Supplement

Rent Supplement is a means-tested payment for certain people living in private rented accommodation who cannot pay for their accommodation themselves.

In the past, you could apply for Rent Supplement if you qualified for social housing support and were on the local authority’s housing list. However, people in this situation should now apply for the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP).

The Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) is a form of social housing support for people who have a long-term housing need. It is available in all local authority areas. People getting Rent Supplement who have a long-term housing need are gradually being transferred to HAP.

HAP will eventually replace the long-term Rent Supplement.

Voluntary Work Option

The Voluntary Work Option scheme allows jobseekers to work in the voluntary sector.

Voluntary groups usually work with:

  • the sick, elderly or disabled,
  • youth clubs,
  • church groups,
  • sports groups,
  • local groups.

This work is normally for a few hours a day or a few days a week, but you may be able to agree a full-time role in a voluntary group with your case officer at your local Intreo centre.

Keeping your medical card when you return to work

If you are unemployed and are returning to full-time or part-time work, you may be able to keep your medical card for 3 years if you have been getting some full-rate payments for 12 months or more.
