Income Supports for Working People

Benefit of Work Estimator

The ‘Benefit of Work Estimator’ is a new online service available on that is quick to use and tells you how your income may change if you are on a social welfare payment. You can’t be identified by using this service.

The estimator includes the following payments:

  • Disability Allowance,
  • Blind Pension,
  • Jobseeker Payment,
  • One Parent Family, and
  • Partial Capacity Benefit (you must change to this payment from Illness Benefit and Invalidity Pension before you start work).

Working Family Payment (WFP)

The Working Family Payment is a weekly tax-free payment available to employees with children. It gives extra financial support to families with children with rates depending on their incomes and family size. You cannot get Working Family Payment if you are on a Community Employment Scheme or most other job schemes. The payment was previously called Family Income Supplement.

Back to Work Family Dividend (BTWFD)

The Back to Work Family Dividend is a weekly payment to help people with children move from social welfare into work.

It gives financial support to people with qualified children who are in or take up employment or self-employment and stop claiming any of the following:


What is a qualified child?

A qualified child is a child under 18 years old who lives in Ireland with you.

A child aged between 18 and 22, who lives in Ireland, continues to be a qualified child if they are in full-time education by day at a recognised school or college.

Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme (PTJI)

The Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme  is intended as a stepping stone to full-time work. It allows certain long-term jobseekers who take up part-time work to get a special weekly allowance instead of their jobseeker’s payment. Recipients under the scheme must be available for and seeking full-time work while getting the payment. You can stay on the scheme for one year, then it may be extended. You must continue to look for full-time work.
