Apprenticeships - Jobseekers
Interested in exploring an Apprenticeship? Find out more at
Apprenticeship is a structured education and training programme which blends on-the-job employer-based training with off-the-job education. It combines learning in the workplace with learning in an education or training centre.
After you complete the apprenticeship, you will become recognised as a craftsperson or professional. Apprenticeships are being developed across a wide range of industries and sectors.
Construction Training
Find a Construction FET course that is right for you at
Would you like to speak to someone about your local options? Contact your local Education and Training Board to speak to someone about options available locally to you.
Please see for a reference guide to Construction Training that is available.
Mount Lucas

For information about Ireland’s National Construction Training Centre click here.
CV and Interview Skills
Find out how to create your CV and prepare for interview on our Tips and Advice page.
Intreo Supports for Jobseekers
If you are on a jobseekers payment and require training to take up employment in the construction industry, your local Intreo service can assist you. To find out more visit the Intreo website or contact your local Intreo centre.
Women in Construction
Have you considered Construction as a career?
Let’s hear from some women already working in this sector:
Coming to Ireland to Work
Living and Working Conditions in Ireland
Moving abroad can be a great experience, offering people the chance to sample the cultural, social and economic way of life of another country. Ireland is a popular destination for mobile European jobseekers and many have taken advantage of their right to live and work in Ireland. However to make the most of your experience it is very important to obtain information on jobs, living and working conditions, employment rights and the current economic situation before you go. Please click here for more information.
EURES is a network of more than 1,000 EURES Advisers (experts in transnational recruitment) which helps jobseekers find work throughout Europe and provides employment information, advice and recruitment services in all EU or EEA countries.
Before leaving for Ireland, you should first look at Irish job opportunities and seek pre-departure advice and information from a EURES Adviser in your own country or one of the EURES Advisers based in Ireland.
Work Permits
In order to work in Ireland a non-EEA National, unless they are exempted, must hold a valid Employment Permit. The Employment Permits Section of the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment administers the Employment Permits system.

Recruitment Supports
If you are currently recruiting, why not advertise your vacancy on offers a free job advertising service to employers. You can advertise your vacancies to jobseekers at no charge, get expert advice on recruitment, and access information and contacts for other employment services that the Department of Social Protection provides.
You can register for the service on the Employer Registration page.
Work Placement Experience Programme
Interested in hosting a jobseeker on a 6 month work experience placement
Find out more information here.
The JobsPlus scheme gives you a financial incentive to employ someone who is unemployed.
If you employ someone who has been unemployed you may get a tax-free incentive of either €7,500 or €10,000 from the JobsPlus scheme. The money is paid monthly in arrears over a two-year period directly into your company’s bank account. Applicants must meet the JobsPlus requirements such as working at least 30 hours a week. Employers can register using the online application.
Employer Supports for Employees with disabilities
There are a number of supports available for Employers who hire or retain a member of staff with a disability.
Find out about the Wage Subsidy Scheme and Reasonable Accommodation Fund on the website.
Training Courses – Education and Training Boards (ETBs)
ETB’s provide a wide range of training courses in local communities, and run a range of funded upskilling programmes for employees in the construction sector under initiatives such as Skills to Advance. If you are looking to recruit trained candidates or upskill your employees, your local ETB may be able to assist. Alternatively, contact the Future Building team who can put you in touch with potential candidates and/or your local ETB.
EURES offer expert advice and assistance on recruiting from European countries, Norway and Iceland for specialised or hard-to-fill vacancies. Find more information at EURES for Employers.
Employers can also register on the EURES Portal to access a database of CVs of European Jobseekers to help fill their vacancies.
Apprenticeships - Employers
Have you considered taking on an Apprentice? Find more information at
Do you need assistance in sourcing an apprentice? If so, contact the future building team.
You can contact us at for more information.
Future Building