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What's going on?

Find out what’s going on with JobsIreland and the Intreo service including upcoming recruitment days, nationwide campaigns, training opportunities and other public employment services events.

Follow us on social media

JobsIreland, the Department of Social Protection and the EURES Ireland services all have social media accounts you can follow across a variety of digital media platforms. Follow them here:

Twitter:       JobsIreland   DSP  EUres Ireland

LinkedIn:    JobsIreland   DSP

Facebook:   JobsIreland   Eures Ireland

Instagram:  JobsIreland  DSP

Other useful links

Government of Ireland – This is your central portal for online government services.

Border People North South Ministerial Council. This is your central access point for information on crossing the border regularly to live, work, study and retire. It gives information on topics such as taxation and employment in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Chambers Ireland Ireland’s largest business network. It can help you to expand your business in your local community.

Citizens Information Service – Offers information about employment and social welfare.

Companies Registration Office – This is where you can find registration information on Irish companies and businesses.

Office of the Data Protection Commissioner – This will give you useful information about how to follow data protection regulation to keep data safe.

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment – This is where you can find out about supports for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).    

Employer Disability Information – Confidential advice and information to help you recruit, employ and retain people with disabilities.

Enterprise Ireland – Find information to help start and develop your business.

Education Training Board – ETBI is the national representative association for Ireland’s sixteen Education and Training Boards (ETBs).

Generation Apprenticeship – Information to help you take on an apprentice.

Guaranteed Irish – Representing businesses based in Ireland.

IBEC – Ireland’s largest business membership organisation.

Local Enterprise Offices – Information and support on starting or developing a business in Ireland.

Low Pay Commission – Examines and makes recommendations to the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation on the appropriate level of the national minimum wage and related matters.

National Disability Authority – Provides information and advice on policy and practice relevant to the lives of people with disabilities.

The Pensions Authority – Gives access to a comprehensive range of information and guidance material about pensions. The Authority also regulates occupational pension schemes, trusts, Retirement Annuity Contracts (RACs) and Personal Retirement Saving Accounts (PRSAs) in Ireland. 

Revenue – Irish Tax and Customs

Small Firms Association – Represents businesses with less than 50 employees and provides information, events, networking and training.

Workplace Relations Commission – Information on all aspects of workplace relations.


